News & Advice

How Long Does It Take To Investigate Immigration Fraud?

How Long Does It Take To Investigate Immigration Fraud?

The length of an investigation into immigration fraud can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case and the resources available to the investigating agency.

In some cases, immigration fraud investigations can take several months or even years to complete. For example, investigations involving complex schemes or multiple individuals may require extensive surveillance, undercover operations, and other investigative techniques that can take a long time to execute.

Additionally, the investigation may be delayed if legal or procedural issues must be addressed before proceeding. For example, if the investigators need to obtain a search warrant or subpoena for records, this can take time.

However, in other cases, immigration fraud investigations may be completed more quickly, especially if the fraud is relatively straightforward or if the investigators already have significant evidence.

Overall, the length of an immigration fraud investigation can vary widely depending on the circumstances of the case, so it’s challenging to provide a specific timeline for how long an investigation may take.