News & Advice

What Are The Three Kinds Of Frauds in Immigration Applications?

What Is The Punishment For Immigration?

The three kinds of fraud that occur most frequently in immigration applications are:

  1. Document fraud: This occurs when an individual provides fraudulent or false documentation in support of an immigration application. This can include false birth certificates, passports, or other identification documents.
  2. Marriage fraud: This occurs when an individual enters into a sham marriage for the purpose of obtaining immigration benefits. This can include paying someone to enter a fake marriage or marrying someone solely to obtain an immigration benefit.
  3. H-1B visa fraud: This occurs when an employer provides false information or documentation in support of an H-1B visa application. This can include misrepresenting the nature of the job, the qualifications of the applicant, or the employer’s ability to pay the required wage.

It’s important to note that these are not the only types of fraud that can occur in immigration applications and that the consequences of committing immigration fraud can be serious. If you’re facing allegations of immigration fraud, it’s important to speak with an experienced immigration attorney to understand your legal options and potential penalties.