How Much Does An Immigration Pardon Cost?

How Much Does An Immigration Pardon Cost?

How Much Does An Immigration Pardon Cost?

The U.S. government maintains various databases that contain information about individuals' travel history, including their entries and exits from the United States. This information is typically collected by U.S. Customs and Border…
What Is The Punishment For Immigration?

What Is The Punishment For Immigration?

The punishment for immigration offenses can vary depending on the specific offense and the circumstances of the case. In general, immigration offenses can result in fines, imprisonment, deportation, or a combination of…
Who Handles Immigration Fraud?

Who Handles Immigration Fraud?

Immigration fraud is handled by various agencies and departments within the United States government, including: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS): This agency processes immigration benefits, such as visas, green cards, and…